Not-built format states that the actual code from the source host does not reside in the package this will only happen if the package is built inside the software package editor. 非构建格式规定了从源主机取的真实代码不保存在包里,只发生在如果包被构建在软件包编辑器里的时候。
However, if the quality of the actual code is too bad, it may not be worth the effort of complete reengineering. 然而,如果实际的代码质量太差,那么可能不值得完全再造工程的工作。
The components can be represented by the actual code which, in Java, will always have try() and catch() blocks. 各组件可以由实际代码来表示,这些用Java编写的代码总是包含try()和catch()这两个代码块。
Most importantly, the actual code for the program is very simple, so the program's logic doesn't get in the way of understanding the threading. 其中程序代码非常简单是最重要的原因,这样对程序逻辑的理解就不会影响对线程的理解。
The transformation is the only one of your three plug-ins that requires you to write any actual code. 转换程序是3个插件中唯一需要您编写代码的插件。
Before you start importing and running the actual code, let me walk you through a little bit of theory. 在您开始导入并运行实际的代码前,让我来为您逐步地讲述一点点理论。
In the Python language, everything is an object a program can access, including simple types that hold integers, as well as the actual code you write and its representation in the Python interpreter. 在Python语言中,所有事物都是程序可以访问的对象,其中包括保存整数的简单类型,以及您编写的实际代码和这些代码在Python解释器中的表示。
Whenever the actual code encounters any type of error, it throws an exception, which then goes to the call stack. 每当实际代码碰到任何类型的错误,它就抛出一个异常,然后该异常就进入调用栈。
Writing the actual code is not a trivial task. 编写真实代码并非微不足道的工作。
These functions are not required as simple components can encompass these steps in their actual code, or you may find other ways of establishing common usage of the APIs. 在简单的组件中,还用不到这些函数,因为简单组件的代码就包含了这些步骤,或者可以找到其他方式实现这些API的通用用法。
If you look at the actual code, there are two import statements; one imports the datetime module and the other imports the threading module. 如果分析实际的代码,那么将发现其中包含两个导入语句;一个语句导入了日期时间模块,另一个语句导入线程模块。
What's more, unit tests can be written before the actual code under test is written& hence the notion of test-first development. 而且,单元测试能够在真正要测试的代码前编写&由此有了测试优先开发的概念。
The only things not contained in the JSP file are the actual code for validation that is contained in isValidEmail() and the code that puts the e-mail address in the database. 未包含在这个JSP文件中的仅有代码是包含在isValidEmail()中的实际验证代码和将电子邮件地址存入数据库的代码。
Unlike most of the following patterns, there was no actual code associated with the pattern; it formed the basic conceptual framework for all following implementation. 与下列的大多数模式不同,该模式实际上并没有与之相关的代码;它针对以后的实现形成了一个基本的概念化框架。
Provided that all the unit tests fail, I know that I am ready to begin writing the actual code. 如果所有单元测试都失败,我就可以开始编写实际代码了。
Since the third step of our process deals with actual code analysis, there is no equivalent discipline in RUP. 因为我们的过程的第三个步骤处理实际的代码分析,所以在RUP中没有等价的规程。
Although the server exposes configurations that affect the behavior, the actual code is not available and so it is sometimes necessary to resort to deduction rather than straightforward inspection. 尽管服务器公开了影响行为的配置,但实际代码不可用,因而有时必须设法进行推论,而不是直观的检查。
This "feature scope" is done prior to actual code and design, therefore, there is no risk that eliminating these features at this stage will generate errors or cost time. 这个“工作范围”在实际程式设计和设计之前就已经完成,因此,在这阶段消除这些工作不会产生错误,也不会浪费时间。
I might live to regret that choice, but I prefer to separate tests from the actual code as it's easier to remove the tests from the distribution. 我也许会后悔那种选择,但我喜欢将测试程序与实际代码分开,因为这很容易从分发版中除去该测试程序。
Even though their actual code and artifacts have not been added to your project, references to the components from your own code will work at run time thanks to Zero's dependency resolution mechanism. 尽管它们实际的代码和工件还没有添加到项目中,但借助于Zero的依赖项解析(dependencyresolution)机制,从您自己的代码对这些组件的引用会在运行时工作。
The actual code for these functions is not provided here due to length limitations. 由于篇幅限制,本文没有提供这些函数的实际代码。
We also found that the artifacts the tools supplied weren't that useful; many vendors neglected the most important artifact in a software system: the actual code. 我们也发现工具支持的产物并不是那么有用的;许多供应商疏忽了软件系统中的最重要的产物:实际的代码。
Address major technical risks, such as resource contention risks, performance risks, and data security risks, by implementing and validating actual code. 通过实现和验证实际的代码,处理主要的技术任务,比如资源争夺风险、性能风险和数据安全风险。
With Rational Application Developer, additions or subtractions from the diagram generate actual code that is synchronized with a file. 利用RationalApplicationDeveloper,我们对图的添加或减少都会生成与该文件同步的实际代码。
This means that actual code generation can be deferred until the developer is satisfied with the results of the tests that are run. 这意味着实际的代码生成可以推迟到开发人员对测试结果满意时。
Sometimes, however, it may not be clear how to fix an error, and you may want to test a possible fix without changing the actual code. 但有时,可能并没有很明确的方法来修复错误,这时您可能想在不改变实际代码的情况下测试可能的修复。
Before you start looking at the actual code, please note that the routers might be unidirectional or bidirectional. 在开始阅读代码之前,请注意路由器可能是单向或者双向的。
It takes an int; deal with it when you get to it and then once you look through the whole file, should you find& ultimately find the actual code that defines or impliments this thing. 它携带一个int数,当你获得了它就处理它,然后一旦你查看整个文件,最终你将发现实际代码中,定义或执行了这个东西。
So let's actually see how we solve this with this function with actual code. 然我们看看怎样用,这个函数和代码解决这个问题。
Any unusual activity triggers an alarm, meaning that attacks and harmful content can be detected and prevented even when the actual code is so new that it has not yet been identified. 任何不寻常活动触发警报,意思是说,袭击和有害的内容可以探测和阻止即使实际守则,是新,但尚未确定。